Saturday, March 28, 2020

Why the Success of All Your Chem Classmates Can Depend on What You Do With the Strength and Qualities They Have Given You

Why the Success of All Your Chem Classmates Can Depend on What You Do With the Strength and Qualities They Have Given YouIf you are a student looking for an excellent tool to make yourself successful and you have never applied for a bachelor's degree in organic chemistry, then you are really missing out. Not only is this a school that provide the resources you need but you will also receive tremendous support from the professor. In this article I will show you why the success of all your classmates can depend on what you do with the strength and qualities they have given you.Before you even pick up your first book or learn to operate your chemistry equipment, you will have a professional private tutor to help you master all the processes required in chemistry. If you are only interested in being able to complete the project in the end, then there are so many more materials you will have to learn so be prepared. After the tutor has instructed you in all the important concepts you will learn how to read more confidently.An additional great advantage of having a tutor is that he will answer any questions you may have regarding some of the material being taught. If you have the time to write the required papers you will benefit from this as well. You will find out that when all the things you learn are explained to you in detail you learn how to utilize them more efficiently.Tension force organic chemistry tutor will also help you develop a habit of attending class regularly. You will find the other students who have had the same experience as you are going to be glad to have a tutor who motivates you to come to class on time. After all, this is all a part of learning.For your organic chemistry tutor to become effective, he must be a really confident person. You will find that you will develop great confidence when you attend and enjoy classes.Of course you will find that it is very important to let your chemistry tutor know if youare happy with your performance. I f you need some extra help, then don't hesitate to ask the instructor if he could help you. You will be able to find a variety of people to help you when you go to a school where your school teacher is so qualified.Overall, you will find that there are many advantages of having a Chemistry Tutor at your school. The greater the importance of a well-organized tutor the better.

Friday, March 6, 2020

4 Problems You Face While Living Alone

4 Problems You Face While Living Alone Image via Pexels The choice to live alone is easy for some and difficult for others, with a myriad of circumstances and reasoning influencing the decision. Perhaps there’s a need for greater independence and self-sufficiency or the desire to break away from the bustle of living with other people. Whatever the reason may be, living alone opens the door for more freedom, however, there can also be greater problems as well. Are you currently living alone? Dealing with a problem that exclusively relates to being alone? Unsure of how to fix it? These four solutions will make you feel better about living by yourself and help you in the long run! 1. Balancing Expenses: Living alone means that there’s no one to split the expenses of living with you, such as rent, water, electric, groceries, cable/internet, etc. Because of this, some people who live alone may have a difficult time effectively balancing their budget. The solution? Get a binder, notebook, or use a Word doc on your computer to create a list of everything you spend and what needs to be paid each month, along with your monthly income. Include things like a phone bill, a car payment, insurance payment, gas, groceries, student loans, electric, water, etc. Add up the total amount that you either currently pay or estimate that you will pay, then deduct this from your monthly income. Do you have enough cushion room to relax or are you cutting it too close? 2. More Responsibility: Because there is no one around to wake you up if you sleep through your alarm or cook you dinner if you’re having a tough day, you ultimately have more responsibility, which means relying on yourself to get the job done (whatever the “job” is). Part of this responsibility is about time-management and the other is about having a backup plan. The solution? Practice better time management for certain areas that you’re having difficulty with. Perhaps you aren’t the best about eating proper meals every day because you’re busy with work and school. Instead of skipping a meal or opting for another box of hot pockets, try meal prepping your meals on a day when your workload isn’t as heavy! Make your breakfasts, lunches and dinners for the week using similar, simple ingredients to ensure that you have a full belly and good energy to take over the world! Image via Pexels 3. Loneliness: Everyone can experience feelings of isolation and loneliness in their lifetime, especially if you are living alone. Sometimes having close friends you hang out with regularly or family that visits frequently just isn’t enough. Sometimes you want someone to be able to rant to in the room right next to you or to binge watch some Netflix on a Friday night. The solution? Find fun ways to get yourself out of your apartment or dorm to help combat the feelings of loneliness. Dabney Frake of Apartment Therapy  suggests, “Create structured ways to leave the house and regularly interact with others sign up for yoga classes or join a book club. Host regular dinner parties, or even low-key television watching sessions with another person who shares your love of  Game of Thrones.”   4. Fear for Safety: Without the company of someone else in your home, the fear of something dangerous happening is real. Despite the safe location you may be in, the number of locks you may have on your door, etc., the paranoia of being in danger can be tough to deal with when you don’t have someone else to help protect you. The solution? Acknowledge your fears and find ways to combat them. Maybe you’re scared that someone is  still  going to break into your home at night. Get an alarm system or security cameras put outside your door and in important places throughout your home! Perhaps you’re fearful that something may happen to you and no one will know for long periods of time, get a dog or establish a system with your friends or neighbors to regularly check in with each other! Living alone can be the most freeing and rewarding decision to make, but it can also be lonely, isolating and scary. While there are specific problems you may deal with while living alone, none of them are deal-breakers or worth you living with people if you don’t want to. There’s always a solution to a problem, no matter what it may be! At the end of the day, just remember that as long as you’re happy, any problem can be conquered. As always, good luck! Looking for an easy way to furnish your off-campus apartment? Renting furniture from CORT saves you time and money. See how easy it is to get great looking furniture without breaking the bank.

4 Slick Ways to Have a Memory Like an Elephant When Learning a Language

4 Slick Ways to Have a Memory Like an Elephant When Learning a Language 4 Slick Ways to Have a Memory Like an Elephant When  Learning a Language There is an elephant named Butterfly.But you have the hardest time remembering her name.So lets try a little exercise: Picture the elephant in your mind. Now make her ears spread out wide, as if they were wings.In fact, make her ears  big monarch butterfly wings in your imagination. Take it a step further and make them as colorful and crazy as you like.Now whenever you see your elephant, call up that image with the butterfly wing ears, and you should instantly remember her name: Butterfly. Memory problem solved!What does this have to do with language learning?Our memories are essential tools for learning a new language. Yet at times, it may seem impossible to  retain all of the thousands of words we try to absorb  (or even to remember someones name)!We’ve all come across those polyglots who can switch from Spanish, to French, to Portuguese, to Russian, to German  without even batting an eye. I’m sure most of us assume that their brains are just wired differentlyâ€"that they were born with a special ability to absorb new languages that we will never have.Maybe.Or, much more likely, they just have great memories.The good news is: so can you.Just like  we can strengthen  our physical bodies, we have the ability to grow and enhance both our short-term and long-term memories.With four simple tricksâ€"including the one used aboveâ€"youll  be able to  retaining new information better than before, and have  the extra space you need  in your brain  when learning a new language. 4 Slick Ways to Have a Memory Like an Elephant When  Learning a Language1. ExerciseYes, the dreaded work out. If you already work out consistently, then you’re in great shape (no pun intended). Turns out though, that working out isn’t just good for our bodies. It also does wonders for our brain function.  Certain physical activitiesâ€"like racquetball or choreographed dancingâ€"require our brains to use a lot of concentration, and that  coordination increases the capacity for learning.S tudies have shown that cardio workouts increase the size of the hippocampus. This is the area of the brain that is associated with forming new memories and learning. So, when we’re learning a new language, we want to keep this area of the brain stimulated in order to  increase our ability to retain new vocabulary.No need to break the bank for this either; anything that causes you to break into a small sweat will help. This even includes household chores. So maybe do some sweeping, take a brisk walk, join an exercise group or simply spend some time at the gym. Just make sure to get your blood pumping!Take it a  step further:  Incorporate your target language into your exercise. If exercise were always fun, wed all look like Heidi Klum. Since this isnt usually  the case, you need to find something that truly motivates  or entertains you. While working out, try swapping out your regular playlist with some music or a podcast  from your target language. Itll improve your comprehension, and also help take your mind off of the physical activity.You could also do a workout video  in  your target language. Searching YouTube will be the quickest way to get you hands on these workouts  vids.Go even further:  Learn the names of the equipment youre using or the exercises youre doing, or start counting  your reps aloud in your target language. Exercise  is the perfect activity for mastering basics like counting and commands. If you have a regular workout, try narrating what youre doing in your target languageâ€"as if you were leading an exercise class!2. Eat Brain FoodFood doesn’t just keep us fit and energized. There are lots of nutrients in food that are essential to our brain function and development. Some of these vital nutrients are omega-3 fatty acids,  Vitamin E, anthocyanin, selenium  and folic acid.They all play different roles in helping to improve brain function, among the other wonderful things that they do for our bodies. When eaten on a regular basis, thes e foods can help improve your  memoryâ€"which can assist you  on your  language learning journey.Heres where youll find these nutrients:Omega-3s: Salmon, tuna, walnuts, dark leafy greens, cauliflower, squashVitamin E: Brazil nuts, walnuts,  cashews, sunflower seeds, nut butters, tahiniAnthocyanin: Berries and grapes, apples, eggplant, red onions, red beetsSelenium:  Tuna, cod, oysters Brazil nuts, oatsFolic Acid: Broccoli, dark leafy greens, avocado, beans, lentils, citrus fruitTake it a step further: Use these foods as part of your language learning process. While youre stocking up for all of this delicious brain food, why not create your grocery list in your target language? You could  also create a colorful food chart/collage to keep on your fridge. Label all of the foods in your target language, and make the chart really visual. This way, youll remember to keep these foods in rotation on your grocery list, while also drilling the new vocabulary into your brain.Go even further:   Try following new recipes in your target language using some of your brain food. Youll be learning and getting a taste of the culture at the same time. Its a full-on immersion experience without ever having to leave home.3. Use MnemonicsMnemonics  can be a really  way to help us remember new concepts or vocabulary. One that pops into mind is Stephen Colbert’s funny My Very Educated Mother Just Said Uh-oh! No Pluto, which works doubly to help us remember the order of the planets from the sun, and that Pluto is no longer classified as a planet. Mnemonics can effectively help us with language learning, too.BAGS. This was the mnemonic used by my middle school French teacher when we learned adjective placement, which is an acronym for Beauty, Age, Goodness, Size. It’s something I learned early on in life and still remember and use to this day. So while sometimes it may seem tedious to come up with these mnemonics, the pay-off is well worth it. They can stay in our minds forever, whic h is exactly what we want when we are learning a new language.Mnemonics don’t always have to be whacky sentences or acronyms. They can also be something visual, like our elephant named Butterfly. The point is to create  associations that will make it easier for you to remember the words or grammar rules you’re learning, so that you can recall them  easier.For example, the French word for ladder  is  Ã©chelle.  So here, you might  pull up an image of a ladder and then imagine a huge, colorful seashell perched on one of its rungsâ€"because  Ã©chelle sounds something like the English word shell. Many Eastern languages  work especially  well with mnemonics, as their characters  sometimes look like the object  they mean.Take it a step further:  Use mnemonics to learn genders of nouns.If your target language has gendered nouns, use mnemonics to remember not only the meaning of the word, but the gender as well. Using our same example above, the word ladder is feminine in French:  la é chelle. So you might make your ladder bright pink or red in your vivid imageâ€"or whatever color youd like to associate with feminine nouns.As this isnt an  exact science; a lot of the mnemonics you come up with my be a little silly or weird, and thats okay! This is about memorizing the vocabulary in a way thats easiest for you. No one can see whats going on in your head, so go for it.4. Build a Memory PalaceA memory palace is technically another type of mnemonic device, but it calls upon our spatial memories and requires a bit more explanation. It’s one of the most useful and effective tools we can use when learning a new language (or for anything we’re trying to memorize). While it may sound complicated, it simply takes some getting used to.To start building your palace, just pull up an image of  a familiar settingâ€"like your home, work or school.  Then, you need to create a floor plan. If you want to start small you can imagine a single room. However, if youre up for a chall enge, you can imagine your entire house, apartment, gym  or any place that  you can picture clearly in your mind. This will give you more places to put memories.Your  map can be mental or you can actually draw one. There should also be a clear route from room to room. You want to be able to move freely from one room to the next without backtracking, so you may need to knock down a few (virtual)  walls in your palace.  Then, make sure you memorize your palace, taking a walk through from start to finish.Once your palace is memorized, you’ll want to identify storage units or numbered stations. This is where you will put words or information youd like to remember. You are literally creating spaces in your memory where words will go, using details from your palace, so be sure to remember these stations.After you have your route and your stations clear in your mind, you can start the storage process. You can be as literal or as creative as you want. For instance, if you’re learning Fr ench, you might store the French word for door, la porte,  right on the outside  of your  front door. La porte is similar to the English word  port, so you might paint a picturesque seaside on your front door. Or better yet, turn  your entire front yard into a harbor with crashing waves and fishermen. The crazier and more vivid, the easier youll remember it.The next time you need to store a new word or concept, put the mnemonic  in the very next slot inside your palace. When you run out of space in one palace, create a new one, but do it in a way thats  easy for you to remember. Take a daily stroll through your palace so you don’t forget. It will soon become a part of your working memory, and your mind will eventually be able to recall the word meanings without the mnemonics!Take it a step further: Visit your palace in real life. If youve chosen a real place that you have access to, you can practice in your memory palace in real time. While youre physically in the space that you h ave designated as your memory  palace, take time to  reinforce  the stations in your mind so that you can more easily recall them while youre away.Notice all of the details in your actual palace, and look for new spots to store memories.  Every now and then, rather than your visual walk through your palace, take an actual walk through. You might even put up visual reminders in your real-life palaceâ€"like a picture of a harbor on the front door of your home to remember la porte.While learning a new language is always going to be a challenge, these small steps can completely jumpstart your memory. With a sharp memory (and a healthy body!), youll be in the best possible position to excel and reach your language learning goals! And One More ThingIn addition to all of the above, FluentU can really up your memory power with its spaced repetition and addictive videos. FluentU makes it possible to learn languages  from music videos, commercials, news and inspiring talks.With FluentU, you l earn real languagesâ€"the same way that real people speak them. FluentU has a wide variety of videos, like movie trailers, funny commercials and web series, as you can see here:FluentU App Browse ScreenFluentU has interactive captions that let you tap on any word to see an image, definition, audio and useful examples. Now native language content is within reach with interactive transcripts.Didnt catch something? Go back and listen again. Missed a word? Hover over or tap on the subtitles to instantly view definitions.FluentU Interactive TranscriptsYou can learn all the vocabulary in any video with FluentUs quiz mode. Swipe left or right to see  more examples for the word you’re learning.FluentU Has Quizzes for Every VideoAnd FluentU always keeps track of vocabulary that you’re learning. It uses that vocab to give you a 100% personalized experience by recommending videos and examples.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Preparing for the World Cup Language Challenge

Preparing for the World Cup Language Challenge My 8 World Cup (Language Challenge) Goals! As the World Cup Language Challenge start date slowly approaches, one of the most common questions we receive is, How do I prepare for a Language Challenge? Well, you can simply dive right in and start taking lessons or you can plan each week and maximize your learning. Our guest blogger and World Cup Challenger Lindsaydoeslanguages shares with us her weekly Language Challenge goals! This post originally appears on Lindsaydoeslanguages. ITALKI WORLD CUP LANGUAGE CHALLENGE: MY WEEKLY GOALS With the italki World Cup Language Challenge creeping ever closer, now seems like the perfect time to give you a quick update before it all kicks off. (I’m just gonna keep the football puns coming…) Have I started? Nope! The italki World Cup Language Challenge begins on June 1st, so there’s still time to sign up! What I have done though is booked all 25 lessons in advance because I know that for me, having the lessons booked now will take away the pressure of booking last minute. I have also set myself 8 weekly goals. (Told you, there’s plenty more where that came from…) My 8 World Cup (Language Challenge) Goals! Week 1  To read a short chapter of “Caro Bruce Springsteen” out loud on video. This may sound completely random but this is to prove that language learning doesn’t have to be expensive. I picked up this book from a book stall in Portugal last year for just 50 cents! Week 2  To read a random news article from the internet out loud on video. This may sound like a lot of reading, but in the early stages, I really want to work on improving my pronunciation and making it sound more Portuguese and less Spanish. Personally, I find reading really helps with this. Week 3  To learn the entire lyrics to Ai Se Eu Te Pego So this is, like, the greatest song ever. And it’s Portuguese. It just seems rather fitting! Week 4  To write and recite on video a short piece written about myself by myself As arrogant as it sounds, being able to talk about yourself is pretty useful for making friends in other languages. It also helps to learn any random vocabulary that you need, such as “I jetski” or “I love my Jack Russell puppy”. Week 5  To identify the difference between the Spanish and Portuguese in Danza Kuduro Ok, so maybe this is, like, the greatest song ever. I can’t call it between the two. However, I think being able to identify the different between the Spanish and Portuguese in this song will really help me to split Spanish and Portuguese in my brain. Week 6  To commentate a bit of the World Cup…(maybe) live! This is the goal I’m most nervous about â€" but also most excited about! (Like a penalty…oooo, that was bad) I’m going to do my best to describe what the heck is going on in the World Cup final in Portuguese. And I might do it live. Let me know in the comments if you think I should do it live! Week 7  To describe on video, in Portuguese, script-less, my experience commentating football After the rush of last week’s goal, I think this week will need to be a little more relaxed for my own personal sanity! I plan to talk scriptless about a past experience â€" meaning I’ll have to use different tenses, adjectives, emotions (maybe that means subjunctive in Portuguese?! Eek.) and lots of other jazzy constructions sans-script. Week 8  To use 8 Portuguese idioms naturally in a video Throughout the Challenge, I’ll be avoiding red cards (That one’s weak. I apologise.) by learning 1 common Portuguese idiom each week. I plan to use them as naturally as possible in the final week’s video! So there you have it. My 8 goals for the italki World Cup Language Challenge. Let’s just hope England can score as many as that over the next few weeks. Dont forget: theres still time to nominate me for Top 100 Language Lovers 2014! Find out how and what youll get from me if you do right here. Are you taking the Language Challenge and setting yourself goals? Share them in the comments below to help keep you motivated! Preparing for the World Cup Language Challenge My 8 World Cup (Language Challenge) Goals! As the World Cup Language Challenge start date slowly approaches, one of the most common questions we receive is, How do I prepare for a Language Challenge? Well, you can simply dive right in and start taking lessons or you can plan each week and maximize your learning. Our guest blogger and World Cup Challenger Lindsaydoeslanguages shares with us her weekly Language Challenge goals! This post originally appears on Lindsaydoeslanguages. ITALKI WORLD CUP LANGUAGE CHALLENGE: MY WEEKLY GOALS With the italki World Cup Language Challenge creeping ever closer, now seems like the perfect time to give you a quick update before it all kicks off. (I’m just gonna keep the football puns coming…) Have I started? Nope! The italki World Cup Language Challenge begins on June 1st, so there’s still time to sign up! What I have done though is booked all 25 lessons in advance because I know that for me, having the lessons booked now will take away the pressure of booking last minute. I have also set myself 8 weekly goals. (Told you, there’s plenty more where that came from…) My 8 World Cup (Language Challenge) Goals! Week 1  To read a short chapter of “Caro Bruce Springsteen” out loud on video. This may sound completely random but this is to prove that language learning doesn’t have to be expensive. I picked up this book from a book stall in Portugal last year for just 50 cents! Week 2  To read a random news article from the internet out loud on video. This may sound like a lot of reading, but in the early stages, I really want to work on improving my pronunciation and making it sound more Portuguese and less Spanish. Personally, I find reading really helps with this. Week 3  To learn the entire lyrics to Ai Se Eu Te Pego So this is, like, the greatest song ever. And it’s Portuguese. It just seems rather fitting! Week 4  To write and recite on video a short piece written about myself by myself As arrogant as it sounds, being able to talk about yourself is pretty useful for making friends in other languages. It also helps to learn any random vocabulary that you need, such as “I jetski” or “I love my Jack Russell puppy”. Week 5  To identify the difference between the Spanish and Portuguese in Danza Kuduro Ok, so maybe this is, like, the greatest song ever. I can’t call it between the two. However, I think being able to identify the different between the Spanish and Portuguese in this song will really help me to split Spanish and Portuguese in my brain. Week 6  To commentate a bit of the World Cup…(maybe) live! This is the goal I’m most nervous about â€" but also most excited about! (Like a penalty…oooo, that was bad) I’m going to do my best to describe what the heck is going on in the World Cup final in Portuguese. And I might do it live. Let me know in the comments if you think I should do it live! Week 7  To describe on video, in Portuguese, script-less, my experience commentating football After the rush of last week’s goal, I think this week will need to be a little more relaxed for my own personal sanity! I plan to talk scriptless about a past experience â€" meaning I’ll have to use different tenses, adjectives, emotions (maybe that means subjunctive in Portuguese?! Eek.) and lots of other jazzy constructions sans-script. Week 8  To use 8 Portuguese idioms naturally in a video Throughout the Challenge, I’ll be avoiding red cards (That one’s weak. I apologise.) by learning 1 common Portuguese idiom each week. I plan to use them as naturally as possible in the final week’s video! So there you have it. My 8 goals for the italki World Cup Language Challenge. Let’s just hope England can score as many as that over the next few weeks. Dont forget: theres still time to nominate me for Top 100 Language Lovers 2014! Find out how and what youll get from me if you do right here. Are you taking the Language Challenge and setting yourself goals? Share them in the comments below to help keep you motivated!

College Students Praise LinkedIn Banning Prostitutes

College Students Praise LinkedIn Banning Prostitutes Courtesy of Huffington Post While the previous user agreement has still prohibited unlawful activities, a LinkedIn representative said during an  interview  with  Mashable that the changes in LinkedIn banning prostitutes now  reflect both legal and illegal prostitutes. In the old [user agreement], we had it covered by saying that one could not use a profile to promote anything unlawful. However, in some countries, that activity actually  is  lawful, the representative said. The prostitution laws vary substantially around the world. Some countries offer legalized, regulated prostitution in limited places, such as the  11 Nevada counties  in the United States. Original image courtesy of Betabeat Many college students  acclaimed LinkedIn banning prostitutes from using the site speculating that LinkedIn is making an a priori move  to avoid the notoriety Craigslist has been suffering from its “adult services” section, which was removed in September of 2010. On LinkedIn, unlike on Craigslist, anonymity is virtually nonexistent, which means the prostitutes names and location are identifiable on site. This invites the idea that no illegal prostitutes would create a public profile on site; why would prostitutes who are not lawfully registered take the risk of advertising their services online? Instead of realizing that no illegal prostitutes in their right mind would create a profile on LinkedIn, LinkedIn prohibited all prostitutes and escort service providers. By LinkedIn banning prostitutes, it not only benefits the companys brand image, but also informs the public that prostitution is a  professional  profession unworthy of partaking in the companys prestigious networking site. With the revised user agreement, LinkedIn also hopes to become a more viable and welcoming environment for college students who use the site to land their first job. Professional prostitutes, infuriated by the recent changes in LinkedIns user agreement, are said to have created a professional networking website called LickedIt, which allows promotion and solicitation of all nude, full body massage services.

Microsoft Typing Tutor Downloads

Microsoft Typing Tutor DownloadsMicrosoft typing tutor download is perfect for typing schools that need extra typing support for their students. Teachers are often waiting for the 'okay' to begin lessons but can not. Students are having problems with their typing and this can be very frustrating for them, especially if they are trying to learn how to type on their own.The main reason for this is the fact that there are so many errors on the internet. You can never expect to have perfect typing for the first time. It takes time and practice, but your typing skills are very important when it comes to your job and these typing tips will help you start learning some of the mistakes to avoid.The biggest mistake that a student makes is that they only focus on the key presses. They are thinking about the speed of the words and then try to type faster than the person next to them, who is just as fast as them. The way to learn how to type faster is to learn how to learn properly.Making the mi stake of focusing too much on the speed of the words will not help you and is the most essential part of how to type faster. Focus more on the speed and the correct usage of the letters.When you do this correctly, you will get a lot of words in a smaller amount of time, which is perfect for those that find it hard to stop and think. There are hundreds of mistakes that you can make and if you make all of them, it will take forever. Start by using the 'OK' when you see the letter and remember that this is a request for the computer to repeat the letter you just wrote.If you only fix these small things and do not stop to think about the big mistakes that are coming out, you will not be able to learn how to type quickly. For example, your computer might be sending a lot of wrong information to your keyboard because it has too many things to do at once.Learning to type quickly is a skill that can take time, but the Microsoft typing tutor download is perfect for anyone that needs extra ty ping help. You will be able to do the typing faster and not have any mistakes or stuck up words.

What Is Tutoring College Application?

What Is Tutoring College Application?If you are a parent who has never applied for a college degree, you might wonder what is tutoring college application. There are many students today who need tutoring in their own life. But why you need to know how this type of application works.Using this as a perfect way to complete the process for your child is very good. There are many benefits. Let's find out more about it.What is tutoring college application? It is basically an application that requires some information such as the name of the parent, date and place of birth, contact information, details regarding the child, and other information.Parents who want to apply for this will have to include the personal information of the child. Some of the important details will be his or her birth date, gender, address, parents' marital status, country of origin, citizenship, education level, and the name of the parents. The parent's telephone number will also be needed. As all these things will help the company to send the child in their best educational venture.This is not the only type of such applications that can be used for parents who want to hire tutors. Some companies also offer parents who want to hire tutors a choice.So, as to save the parents the time they will need to fill out this particular application form, how tutoring college application works? There are companies that provide high quality and professional tutors for free. They work on their own and hence they will do the proper research to locate the best student for the tutoring program.One can surely say that such application forms would surelybe helpful in every family's educational life. The parents will be happy since they know that their child has found the best educational place. The students will find that if they apply for such program they can get a great opportunity in their life.

What Is The History Of Pilates

What Is The History Of Pilates What Is The Origin Of Pilates? ChaptersThe Father of PilatesWhat is Pilates?The Principles Of PilatesHow Pilates Grew Into An International PhenomenonNo matter where you live in the world, if you are interested in fitness and being healthy, you have heard about Pilates. You may have even been to a few classes and tried your hand at some of the postures. But although Pilates is an acclaimed practice of exercise that is well known all over the world, not many people know how Pilates started and why. Let’s investigate that today and use the knowledge to further our practice as Pilates practitioners. CarleyYoga Teacher 5.00 (5) £100/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors GenYoga Teacher £45/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors JulieYoga Teacher £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors LynnYoga Teacher 4.89 (9) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors AliceYoga Teacher £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors LauraYoga Teacher 5.00 (6) £70/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors UndramYoga Teacher £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors LottieYoga Teacher £10/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsThe Father of PilatesJoseph Pilates was a physical trainer from Germany. As you might have guessed from his name. Joseph invented Pilates and named it after himself, which is the short version of the events that lead to Joseph creating this now a popular form of exercise.The detailed version is that as a child Joseph suffered from many ailments and was often unwell. Determined to change his fate Joseph set about creating his own rehabilitation. Dedicating himself to the study and practice of exercise. He studied exercise from the east such as yoga, tai chi, Zen practices and martial arts and exercises from the west such as gymnastics, self-defence and boxing.As he gained notoriety for his skills, he had the opportunity to travel to the USA and England. Joseph was working in England at the time of the First World War and was detained in an enemy camp for being German . This seems like a sad event to pass in such a talented man’s life, but it was within this camp that Joseph invented Pilates.Interested in the idea of exercise which balances the mind and body, Joseph tested his theories on other detainees, and when he had the opportunity to work as a nurse, he was also able to test this on bedridden and wounded soldiers.After the war, Joseph was released and moved back to Germany and later back to the USA. The Pilates method was shared and found initial popularly with dancers including modern dance schools and the ballet community. Because of its focus on better posture, body alignment, core strength, muscle tone and ability to alleviate injuries.Joseph Pilates opens his first studio in New York City in 1923, he had originally called the method ‘Controlology’. Until it was thankfully changed to Pilates sometime later. It is the students that were trained initially by Joseph at this studio in New York. That became specialized in the practice and helped to spread the awareness of Pilates around the world by opening their own studios.Check out different lessons on yoga near me.Being precise, present and fully aware in your practice is imperative to the engaging the movements correctly. Photo Source: UnsplashWhat is Pilates?Pilates is resistance exercise which brings together the body and mind to improve core strength, mental focus, body alignment, the range of motion, body awareness. The benefits of Pilates leads to a balanced body, improved posture, a stronger mind-body connection and excellent overall health. Pilates is suitable for all people on the planet.The Principles Of PilatesPilates was created to be a philosophy and a wellness method, rather than just a way of exercising. It uses the precision of movement and gives emphasis to balanced awareness. The method incorporates movements which are uniformly followed, and these movements are based upon a set of principles. It is these principles that secured the Pilates method as anMindful breathing is one of the most important parts of the practice of Pilates. Photo Source: Unsplashimportant range of motion and set it apart from other exercise programs.The Essential Principles Of PilatesThe Centring PrincipleIn Pilates the centre of the body is known as the core or powerhouse, it is the area between the lower ribs and the pubic bone. It is at this point that many Pilate’s exercises originate from. The principle of centring concentrates on restoring and maintaining your physical core strength while simultaneously invigorating your spiritual centre.The Concentration PrincipleBeing precise, present and fully aware in your practice is imperative to the engaging the movements correctly. You should move with purpose and forethought about what it is that you are doing. As you empower your practice by being fully present, you will find it easier to overcome any physical condition.The Control PrincipleWhen doing Pilates, you should be moving your body wi th deliberate movement. No part of the body is left to do as it pleases. This body control is devised to increase body health, decrease injuries and restore the awareness that we have of our bodies. When adopted with the other principles and used within your practice you will find the control to be essential to your ability to your vitality.The Precision PrincipleThis is one of the main goals for Pilates because when you can bring precision to your movements, you will find that you can integrate and maximise your mind and body synchronisation much more easily. Precision leads on from concentrations but goes further because it encourages you to look at the precise position of each posture and see how each part of your body relates to the other parts while in the position.Search for yoga near me and start now.The Breath PrincipleMindful breathing is one of the most important parts of the practice of Pilates. Proper breathing engages our abdominal core muscles, which invigorates the bo dy. Adding deep breathing to your Pilates practice or any physical exercise will strengthen your workouts. Improve the precision of your coordination, intensify your endurance and transform your exercise program.The Flow PrinciplePilates incorporates fluid and continuous movement, to support the idea that each posture has a beginning and an end. When you concentrate on how to do each posture you will learn the natural start and end point for each exercise. This flow gives you a full body workout as you move with grace and discipline. This engagement in the movement from head to toe is complementary to the flow that is taking place in your mind. When you are calm and present, you will find this much easier than when you are stressed and tense. Going with the flow of movement and with the flow of your mind, is another area that body and mind connect in Pilates.In Pilates the centre of the body is known as the core or powerhouse. Photo Source: UnsplashThe Additional Principles Of Pilat esThe principle of Harmony â€" Allows for the seeking of harmony within your body, mind and spirit. The focus of harmony while practising Pilates is the path to creating a balanced body. There is never any need to push too hard or go against the natural movement that your body can make. You decide how far you can go in each exercise by being aware and present.The principle of Efficiency â€" Allows us to be aware of our anatomy and correctly engage the right muscles groups for each exercise. When we know that it is our hamstrings that need to relax we can focus on neutralising the blockage to our vitality.The principle of Balance â€" Allows us to bring together all of the principles of Pilates. Here we can focus on alleviating any imbalances within the body. Being in balance from head to toe means being willing to accomplish all of the principles within your Pilates practice.The principle of Awareness â€" Allows us to explore the body and the mind while taking part in the flow of mov ement and specific exercises. Not just being aware of how you are moving but also being aware of your mental processes while you are moving. Having awareness about how your body is moving within the practice so that you can correct and improve consistently.How Pilates Grew Into An International PhenomenonAfter Joseph Pilates died, the practice of Pilates was continued by his top students. The students opened their own studios, and some tweaked the method to suit their interpretation of Pilates. One student brought his experience as a dancer to the practice and gave greater focus to the flow that we see practised today.Students opened schools all over the USA and the world, but the most notable studio was opened in Los Angeles, USA. It was this LA studio that quickly became popular with Hollywood celebrities. As they began to talk about the amazing effects of Pilates in their lives more and more celebrities joined in with the movement. Before too long the media caught on to the new c raze called ‘Pilates’, and they began to feature and publicise the practice heavily in various mediums. That was the point of take-off for Pilates and news spread from LA to the USA to the world.Pilates was invented around 100 years ago, the first studio opened around 95 years ago, and it went viral around 40 years ago. Since then it has grown to be practised by millions of people worldwide, from housewives to CEOs, from Athletes to scientists, from children to old people, flexible people to inflexible people. There is no barrier to begin Pilates which makes it a genuinely universal discipline.Joseph Pilates once said that he thought he was ahead of his time. It is clear that if Joseph Pilates were alive today that he would be one of the wealthiest and most successful fitness professionals on the planet. Like many of the old greats, Joseph was a genius, whose commitment to wellness, body awareness and mindful balance has left a lasting legacy for the rest of us to enjoy.Thank yo u, Mr Pilates!

What Basic Sewing Supplies Do You Need When Learning How To Sew

What Basic Sewing Supplies Do You Need When Learning How To Sew What are the Sewing Essentials for Your First Sewing Class? ChaptersMeasuring Tools to Set Your Sewing PatternTools for Marking and Transferring Your Sewing PatternCutting Tools to Cut Your FabricSewing Supplies for Pinning and SewingThreads and BobbinsThe history of sewing dates back to the Paleolithic Period some 21,000 years ago when Man first started to bind animal skins together with single stitches to make clothing and tents to protect himself from the cold. Sewing with natural fibres (cotton thread, linen thread, hemp or burlap threads) first took place in the Middle East around 4,000 BC.Over the course of the centuries, economies grew to include the profession of tailor, along with sewing as a leisure activity. Depending on the period and culture, a tailor or seamstress might also have woven cloth, made male and female garments, embroidered and sewn decorative or upholstery fabrics. To do so, they needed a basic set of sewing tools for measuring and cutting fabrics.But when you’re just starting out, it’s hard to know what you real ly need to hem a pair of trousers, neaten a raw edge, darn socks, mend a shirt or a pillowcase or sew a bag. Tracking down information on what exactly should go into your sewing box takes time. This is why, like your friendly neighbourhood haberdashery, we at Superprof will help you with your choice. Here is an inventory of the basic sewing supplies you should own to complete all your sewing projects.Discover the right accessories for learning how to sew...See some good sewing classes London.Carbon PaperSome tailors swear on good, old-fashioned carbon paper. Place it flat onto your fabric and spread the pattern over it. Trace the pattern with a pencil and the carbon paper will transfer the lines onto the fabric. This only works with light cloths, though. Once you have measured, marked and traced your pattern, you need your sewing supplies to cut the cloth.Do you know which sewing machines are best for the beginner sewer? RaySewing Teacher 5.00 (6) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors PrincessSewing Teacher 5.00 (2) £18/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors AnaSewing Teacher 5.00 (4) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ArianwenSewing Teacher 5.00 (2) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ShaziaSewing Teacher 5.00 (2) £10/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ZanetaSewing Teacher 5.00 (1) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors GianmariaSewing Teacher £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors JacquelineSewing Teacher £17/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsCutting Tools to Cut Your FabricThey say that stitchers think only in metre-lengths of cloth.This is why it’s a good idea to take your measurements before you go to the fabric store to buy your cloth or choose your embroidery canvasses.Whether you are cutting a buttonhole, snipping threads, customising old clothes, cutting out a quilt patch, repairing a zip or even knitting a hand-made scarf, you will need one fundamental tool: a pair of scissors.When y ou use sewing shears correctly, you can cut very precisely. Photo by Khaz on VisualHuntScissors for SewingUsually, sewing scissors should be new and used only to cut cloth.Fabric scissors can be used for lightweight fabrics where precision is importantTailor’s shears are large scissors with long blades for heavy fabrics. By carefully placing the blade of the dressmaker’s shears under the cloth, you can get an accurated and regular cut.Pinking shears make a zig-zag cut, good for light fabrics and fabrics that unravel easily. They are sometimes used in other crafts such as paper crafting.But you should also consider investing in a cutting mat (so as not to damage your table) and a rotary cutter for precision cutting.Thread snipsAnd finally - no one is safe from sewing mistakes and having to undo a seam. Thread snips or thread scissors will help you undo that missed seam so you can take that step back (to better go forward.) Seam rippers are a metal blade shaped like a “Y” with a protective knob at the end. Simply insert the long end under a stitch to cut it and undo   a badly-done seam. Make sure both hands are behind the seam ripper to avoid injury.Seam rippers will help you undo your mistakes doing your first sewing lessons. Photo by alsokaizen on VisualHunt / CC BY-NCNow, we are getting somewhere. Your cloth is marked and cut - now you can start sewing!Sewing Supplies for Pinning and SewingPinning your sewing projectYou will need to buy safety pins. They will keep several layers of fabric together while cutting. And you should consider getting a box of pins with coloured tips and a pincushion for pinning your project together to try it on or before basting.Thimbles - Peter Pan’s KissYou might remember that odd little hat your grandmother wore on her middle finger as she knitted. It was a thimble, very useful for pushing needles through stiff fabrics without injuring yourself.Sewing NeedlesAssuming you have already bought a sewing machine, you will n ow need sewing needles. Indeed, if you are a beginner sewing student, you will be doing a lot of hand stitching. We recommend buying a little assortment of needles in different sizes, varying in both length and thickness. You will be using them mostly for precision and finishing work.Thimbles are useful when sewing through thick fabrics or if you often prick your thumb. Photo by The Knowles Gallery on Visualhunt.comIf you plan on working with fabrics of different thicknesses (from thin lawn to thick woolen coat fabrics), you might also consider getting several boxes of sewing machine needles.Threads and BobbinsOther tools that can’t be missing from a sewing box: thread and bobbins. Superprof recommends getting several bobbins so you don’t get mixed up and end up with different-coloured sewing threads on the same bobbin. But sewing machines generally come with several extra.The last element still missing from your sewing box is evidently the sewing thread itself.It is better to p refer quality to cheapness. A low-quality thread will fray or break more easily, causing accidents (and fraying your nerves.) In order to avoid staining your fabrics, we recommend you sew with a thread of the same colour.Final tip: If you want to advance and learn to sew like a true professional, our sewing teachers at Superprof are waiting for you to contact them for sewing lessons, or even embroidery lessons to make the most of your shiny new sewing machine.Discover also where you can buy fabric at low cost for your sewing courses!